Do you journal your art? Have you thought of journaling your art but didn't know where to start? Do you have an art journal but want to learn more?
Learn how with Karen Julihn Artist.
Jun 01, 11:30 AM – Jun 09, 3:00 PM Monroe Bay Winery Strawbale Barn, 4786 James Monroe Hwy, Colonial Beach, VA 22443
About the Event
Date: June 1, 2, 8 and 9
Place: Monroe Bay Winery
Class: Journal Your Art
Time: 11:30 – 3:00
Price: $200
Teacher: Karen Julihn
Each session will start with a demonstration so that artists can experiment with a new technique. These demos include:
Making textures
Tracing a subject
Outlining with a sharpie
Watercolor dry brushing and wet on wet painting
Color theory
Using these techniques, each artist will work independently to create several pages in their journal using watercolors and collage. The journal creating is intended to be a collection of simple watercolor ideas and practice samples. Some supplies provided! Max 15 Students! This number could change based on current COVID guidelines. Snacks and non-alcoholic drinks included. Wine available for purchase.