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What's New At The Arts Center

Yes, this is a long bog but we are highlighting upcoming events and how to register for each. So, just scroll down to get a quick flavor of everything that is happening and you can register by clicking on the appropriate link. Our tag line is, "Arts for All" and this is what we are trying to do!!


For more information on the Center and to learn more about upcoming events Register and tune in to --

Ronda Rotz and Nana Gail Laurer will also be online with us.

Ronda is a Resident Center Artist and teacher and Nana Gail is teachs drawing, watercolor classes and we are planning a plein air event soon.

We will discuss our plans for the Center and also tell you a little about everything we currently have to offer.

See you tonight!


It's not too late to RSVP for these three

FREE events. It isn't often that we have an artist of this distinction offer their expertise, wit and widsom for free.



June 2

10 - 3:00

Going With the Flow, Beginning Watercolor w/Nana Gail Lauer

From the lightly done basic drawing on to the abstract block, you will start adding more detail all the while learning to control the watercolor.

We have added a couple additional spaces for this class, but you should sign up SOON as this is a very popular class



5 - 700, Refreshments Served

First Friday, featuring the art work of John Latell. If you haven't stopped into see his art, you should. It is well worth your time as he is a multi-talented multi-faceted artist with a passion for his work that I don't see that often.

We will also have art by our newest artist -- Tommy Feltner. We welcome Tommy to the Center. He has never shown his work before and we are honored that he has chosen The Center to be the first to show his work. Tommy is another multi-talented multi-faceted artist with a wide body of work.

There will also be art by J. T. Grant our visitng artist from Texas. Some will hang in The Center and will be for sale!


Saturday, June 3

1 - 3:00

ARTfulDesigns w/Andrea Clement The Hague Winery

The Arts Center is very excited about our new partnership with The Hague Winery to sponsor their paint events. AND, we are excited that Andrea Clement will teach several of these events. We know, and those of you who have taken classes with her know. how much fun she is as well as she is a very competent teacher.


June 3, 10, 17 and 24

Kid's Classes w/Ellen Werner

10 - 12:00

Ages 5 - 12

There will be two series of four 2-hour classes. The first is this one scheduled for the month of June. The second will be in July.


June 6

10 - 1:00

Cynaotype Printing Workshop w/Steve Griffin

Cyanotype (sometimes called blueprint) is an early photographic process that does not need a darkroom. Pre-coated paper is placed in a lightproof box but can be handled in subdued light. Objects are placed on the paper and exposed to direct sunlight for 3-5 minutes. The paper is then “developed” in a tray of water. The unexposed areas are washed away leaving a dark blue color wherever the paper has been exposed to sunlight. All supplies are furnished. The student just needs to bring other items they wish to expose.


June 10


Linda Cooper and Her Quilt Truck Show

Linda has 30+ years as a quilter. She offers lectures and workshops and loves sharing her artist journey.

This Trunk Show is the introduction to the other two events hosted by The Center. You don't want to miss this as Linda will display and talk about a wide variety of her quilts.


June 10

1 - 3:00

A Gift for Dad w/Terri McCormick

Just in time for Father’s Day. Your child/children can personalize this special cup featuring their art work and personal message to Dad.

This is a keepsake she will treasure forever.

Sign up early as seating is limited and this is going to be a very popular class!


We have yet to schedule -- Inforamation will be coming SOON!

Open Studio -- one day a week

Drawing and Watercolor for children w/adults

Drawing for Adults

Let's Talk Art


14961 Kings Highway Montross, Virginia 22520

Mailing Address: PO Box 274, 

Montross, VA 22520

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Site Design Petite Taway



brought to you by J. Jones Art Consulting LLC

JART Inc. (501(c)(3)


© 2025 The Arts Center of Montross

The Arts Center Hours
January - April
Friday - Sunday
11:00 am to 4:00 pm

May - December
Thursday - Sunday
11:00 am - 5:00 pm

CLOSED - Christmas Eve - New Years Day
Open by appointment!
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