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Juried Open All Media Artist Choice Exhibition Prospectus


Exhibition dates:

June 9 - 18, 2023
Weekdays 4:00pm – 7:00 pm.
Weekends, 1:00pm – 5:00pm


This event is sponsored by

The Arts Center of Montross

The Artist’s Alliance of Colonial Beach,
(hereinafter referred to as The Sponsors)
and is hosted by Monroe Bay Winery


For more information call Connie

at 540.454.0524



The profits from this event will be divided evenly between three NPO animal organizations. SEE BELOW


This prospectus provides the details for entering the show by mail or online. Using the links provided, you can fill out entry forms, submit images of artwork and pay the entry fee via PayPal or mail as appropriate.


Your artwork should express of the animal kingdom  including --   --   Mammals, Birds, Reptiles, Amphibians, Fish, and Invertebrates. 



Deadline for submissions:  Saturday, May 6, 2023

Notification of acceptance NLT:  Saturday, May 20, 2023

Receiving date for accepted artwork:   Saturday, June 3, 2023, 1:00 – 6:00 p.m.       

Walk-in/Hand-delivered:  Sunday, June 4, 2023,  11:-00 – 5:00 p.m.   Monday, June 5, 2023, by appointment ONLY

Shipped work:    Shipped to arrive no later than June 3, 2023

Artwork should be addressed to –J Jones Art, LLC
PO Box 274. Montross, VA    22520          
   Return shipment must be prepaid.  The artist assumes all responsibility for insuring  artwork against shipping damage or loss.                                                         

Patron’s and Award’s  Receptions:  Friday, June 9, from  5 – 8 pm   |   Patron’s Reception, 4 -8           

Awards will be made at 6:00  p.m. including a Talk by the Juror.                                   


Removal date - pick up by artist:   Sunday, June 18, 2023, from 5 pm - 8:00 pm 
Monday, June 19, 2 – 5:00, and Tuesday, June 20    by appointment  ONLY
Special arrangements can be made for pick up   after these dates but the Sponsors do not  assume any responsibility for loss, theft, or  damage after 5:00 pm on June 26.  After 30  days, artwork not retrieved becomes the  property of the Sponsors                                                                                                                                               
Return of shipped work:   June 20-23, 2023



Awards will be presented at the Awards Reception


2nd Place   $300

3rd Place   $175


POPULAR VOTE – Attendees will be able to select by balloting their favorite piece of art. Awards are $50 each.

 Categories  (4)  are -  Fine Art,    3-D Art,  Photography
                                Any medium when submitted by a young adult, ages 12 – 18 years of age.

PURCHASE AWARDS -- Local Businesses and individuals have committed to purchase at least one piece of art.

Judging for awards will be on-site. The decision of the judge is final.

The juror reserves the right not to award a prize or prizes in any category based on their discretion.


Carrol Morgan

Carrol grew up in Dumfries, Virginia.  She received her BFA degree from Richmond Professional Institute (Virginia Commonwealth University) and her Master of Arts in Liberal Studies from Mary Washington College (University of Mary Washington). 


Additional studies include seminars of the Getty Center for Education in the Arts at the University of Cincinnati and at Cranbrook Academy of Art, Bloomfield, MI; Art Educators’ Forums at the Savannah College of Art and Design; and studies with Tony Sheets, Dave Daniels, Willie Crocket, Steven Walker, Sara Poly, Diane Tesler, Johnny P. Johnson, and Cathy Ambrose Smith.   She has received numerous awards in juried and regional art shows, and her work is represented in many private collections.  Her art media includes printmaking, mixed media, acrylics, watercolors, oils, watercolors, and charcoal portraits.

She is an advocate for the arts and art education.   She taught art in King George County Public Schools for thirty-four years and has taught adult and children’s art classes for local arts organizations.  She is currently the curator for the Fredericksburg Center for Creative Arts and Judge Procurer. 


$35 -- two entries, $10 – for a third entry, $5 for a 4th entry/Non-Members

Members of the Artist’s Alliance Gallery and The Arts Center – 10% discount applied

Fees are nonrefundable

Entry fees can be paid by

  • Check or money order: payable to J Jones Art, LLC.

  • Credit card via PayPal with an online invoice



This call for submission is open to

  1. Artists 18 years of age or older

  2. Young Artists 12 – 18 years of age.  

Only original work created, conceived, and executed entirely by the artist and not previously exhibited at

The Arts Center will be accepted.

This is a juried exhibition for artists working in all traditional and non-traditional 2D and 3D media. 

Artwork must not exceed 48 inches in any dimension including the frame. Sculpture cannot exceed 30 inches in any

dimension and must be light enough for one person to handle.   

The Sponsors reserve the right to return work that is not of acceptable quality or that differs significantly from the

photographic image. 




1. Limited to FOUR entries per artist.

2. Entry can be submitted on the website, snail mail or via email.



1. Email entries shall be accompanied by an image for each piece of art submitted, be in jpg format, and include your name, title of the work, medium, size, and price.  Images shall be in color.

2. At least two jpg images showing different views shall be submitted for 3D artwork.



1.  Click Here  (JURIED ART SHOW ENTRY FORM) to complete the entry form and submit artwork image(s) 

2.  Once we receive invoice payment via paypal  or mail check or money order to

    J Jones Art LLC., PO Box 247, Montross, VA  22520



Enclose in the envelope:

1. The completed entry form Click Here

a. Images of each piece of art submitted must be emailed to

.jpg format, including your name, title of the work, medium, size, and price.  Images must be in color.

b. Poor-quality images are more likely to be eliminated during the judging process.

2. Check or money order

3. Self-addressed stamped #10 envelope or provide an email address for acceptance notification.

    Mail to:  J. Jones Art LLC, PO Box 274, Montross, VA  22520


1. Please read the Attachment for framing and presentation guidelines.

2. Sculptors must provide their pedestals unless agreed beforehand by The Sponsors.

3. A label must be affixed to the back upper left of the work and correspond with the accepted image as listed on the Entry Form. No artwork may be substituted.

4. All artwork must be for sale with the understanding that, if sold, a 40% commission will be charged. 

5. Work cannot be withdrawn, nor sales shipped, before the end of the exhibit.

6. The Sponsors reserve the right to reject and return late work.

7.  Returns will be solely at the artist’s expense.


The Sponsors, The Artist’s Alliance of Colonial Beach and The Arts Center of Montross, and, Monroe Bay Winery (The Host) are not responsible or liable for loss or damage to artwork.  Insurance on artwork is the responsibility of the artist.  It is suggested that the artist wishing protection insure their works independently.  Submission of work shall constitute an agreement to comply with all conditions set in this prospectus.



The Sponsors make the following conditions apply to all artists entering art for the exhibition:

  1. The Sponsors reserve the right to photograph exhibited art.  Any photographs will be used for publicity purposes ONLY.

  2. All art must remain on exhibition throughout the designated show schedule.

  3. A 40% commission on sales.

  4. Before installation, the Juror and Sponsors reserve the right to reject pieces that are too fragile, oversized, or in poor condition.

  5. The Sponsors retain the right to cancel this show.  If the show is canceled, entry fees will be refunded.

  6. The Artist must assume all of the risks in participating in the Animal Love Juried Art Show  which means they 
    Waive, Release, Discharge, Indemnify, and, Hold Harmless from any and all liability J. Jones Art Consulting, LLC,  The Artist’s Alliance of Colonial Beach, The Arts Center of Montross (the sponsors), and the Monroe Bay Winery (the host), and any of their employees, directors, consultants, Members of the Board, volunteers, representatives, agents, assign successors, contractors, suppliers, exhibitors, vendors, event sponsors regarding any and all claims that my participation could give rise to any claim or otherwise cause liability.


Questions:  Email – or call  Connie at 540.454.0524


Our Animal Organizations That Will Benefit from the Profits of the Show

Cat Cove’s mission is to improve the lives of community cats – also known as homeless cats – by providing adoption and fostering resources as well as educating the public on how to care for their pets and community cats.

The Rappahannock Wildlife Refuge Friends is an independent, nonprofit group of individuals dedicated to supporting the National Wildlife Refuge System and promoting awareness of the Rappahannock River Valley National Wildlife Refuge through education and support.

14961 Kings Highway Montross, Virginia 22520

Mailing Address: PO Box 274, 

Montross, VA 22520

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Site Design Petite Taway



brought to you by J. Jones Art Consulting LLC

JART Inc. (501(c)(3)


© 2025 The Arts Center of Montross

The Arts Center Hours
January - April
Friday - Sunday
11:00 am to 4:00 pm

May - December
Thursday - Sunday
11:00 am - 5:00 pm

CLOSED - Christmas Eve - New Years Day
Open by appointment!
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